At Toddletown Day Nursery in Farncombe, your child will get to experience lots and lots of messy and sensory play! We know that doing activities like this at home can seem daunting, but until the nursery is open, why not give this less-messy version of sand a try...
Moon Sand
Great game for exploring different textures. Watch as your children can build sand castles without any sand!
What you will need:
If you would rather an edible version for those little ones that like to put everything in their mouth, you can replace the baby oil with coconut oil. This would need to be heated to liquid in order to work, I will include the measurement for this below.
Mix 1/4 cup of baby oil (1/3 cup of liquid coconut oil ) for every 2 cups of flour.
Mix well and work out any clumps
Place in a tray with toy pots, pans, sand castle shapers, diggers and anything you think your child will enjoy getting stuck in with!
If you've used heated coconut oil make sure the temperature of the moon sand is suitable for little hands before letting your baby play with it.
Posted on 2nd May 2019
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