We've definitely said our goodbyes to Summer and are embracing Autumn! Once we've adjusted to the drop in temperatures, I find that we really enjoy Autumn and the activities we can do together. It's a great time to explore the world around us that a seasonal change brings.
The leaves changing colour
The noises they make under our feet
The dance they create as they fall to the ground.
The acorns, conkers and horse chestnuts that we can now see falling from the tree.
The changing temperature
Animals getting ready for hibernation.
All of these changes provide wonderful learning opportunities for children; whether it's talking about them, feeling or hearing them the possibilities are endless!
· Winkworth Arboretum, Godalming
· A little further afield , Virginia Water in Runnymede
1) Depending on the age of your children you can create your own picture chart for them to use and tick off when they find the autumnal item, or perhaps stick to colours e.g. can they find something that is red/orange/green/brown.
2) Be prepared, wellie boots, waterproofs, and most importantly bag to collect your treasure!
3) Happy hunting!
1) Preprint out autumnal pictures using scissors get your children to create their own hunt sheet. With older children you can begin to talk about the beginning letters and sounds
2) Take a camera with you on your walk and take photographs of your treasure
3) Collect your autumn finds and use them for arts and crafts.
4) Use your finds to enact a story such as Stick Man, by Julia Donaldson
We'd love to see photos of your Autumn adventures!
Posted on 31st October 2019
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